Now that the holiday hangover has finally subsided, I wanted to share that on December 17th I had an article published on entitled, “What To Do When Clients Want To ‘Pause’ Marketing For The Holidays”.
Granted, by 12/17 most of us are checked out and either knee deep in snow, booze, holiday dinners, or presents, but I still wanted to publish this just to share the resource.
I’ve dealt with a lot of clients requesting to pause their various SEO, PPC, or copywriting campaigns for the November-December period in the hopes of saving some cash. This, in my opinion, has always been a horrible idea, and not just because I don’t want to lose the revenue.
The reason why it’s a bad is…
There is always work to be done or an audience to capitalize on.
So, even though the big holidays are over, there is roughly one holiday per month that could be seen by a client as an opportunity to pause. Don’t let this happen to you.
Check out the article over at and let me know your thoughts in the comments there, or here.
Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Brian Thomas Clark
Owner, Auditor, Janitor
I'm a Dad, Husband, Brutal SEO Auditor & BBQer. I do SEO, Analytics, Backlink, and Local Search Audits in Orange County, CA, where no one uses turn signals and there is a Chase Bank on every block for some reason.